Falcon Facts March 21

March 21
March 21, 2024

From the Principal

March 21, 2024

Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Community Members:

BES New FB Page: BES just started their own K-5 FB Page. Like and Follow our DoDEA Bahrain Elementary School Facebook page

Special Education Parent Meeting: Due to TDY travel our ISS Ms. Kristen Roberts will be rescheduling her trip to Bahrain. The parent meeting set for April 2nd is postponed until May 8. See our events calendar to add this event to your calendar.

Autism Awareness: Every April Autism Speaks celebrates World Autism Month, beginning with the United Nations-sanctioned World Autism Awareness Day on April 2. This year marks the 17th annual World Autism Awareness Day. Watch this short animation about Autism Awareness

Autism Awareness Month flyer

Parent Teacher Association Updates

The Bahrain School PTA Nominations Committee has slated the following individuals for our elections to be held at our General Membership Meeting on Monday, April 15th at 8:30am in Gil Hall. All families, teachers, and staff are welcome to attend! Thank you to Mary Wilson, Kimberly Bladen, and Debi Hulitt for their work on the Nominations Committee.  As a reminder, nominations can also be made from the floor on the morning of elections.  

We are excited to go in to the next school year with a great mix of experienced and new board members. As we all know, many hands make light work and we encourage you to get involved as a board member or as one of our many committee chairs. If you know of someone who would make a great board member, committee chair or volunteer, please reach out. If you have any questions or would like put in a nomination, please contact us at TheBahrainSchoolPTA@gmail.com  and we will be happy to chat!  We look forward to seeing you on April 15th! 

The Bahrain School PTA is pleased to offer a Senior Service Award that recognizes graduating seniors for outstanding volunteer service to their school and community. For the 2023-2024 academic year, the PTA will award up to 4 $500 awards. Applications are due Sunday, April 14th. PTA Senior Award Application 

PTA Teacher of the Month: The PTA presents teacher of the Month Awards. Has a teacher made a positive impact on your student? Gone above and beyond in the classroom for their students? Please click here to nominate a teacher for teacher of the month.

Month of the Military Child

volunteers needed month of the military child graphic

We need volunteers for the Month of the Military Child activities.

month of the military child BES poster
Spirit week 2024 flyer


To add the Spirit Week event to your calendar please go to our Events Calendar Page

paint the school purple flyer

Library Information Center Updates

Spring Book Fair: April 17-18 and Saturday the 20th which will coincide with the MHS International Food Fest. To save this event to your calendar please go to our Events Calendar page.  For more information and links to the library catalog please see the Library Services page

librarian appreciation day book fair flyer

Together we SOAR higher!

Featured Pages

Upcoming Events


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Name Position Details Phone
Dana Knight School Counselor 973-1771-9829 ext 4
Danielle Harris Registrar K - 5 973 1771 9829
Kelsey Lambert School Liaison 973-1785-6719
School Advisory Committee School Advisory Council

School Hours

School Day 08:05  - 14:35  (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) 08:05  - 13:35  (Wednesday)
Administration Office 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Sunday - Thursday)  

Elementary students cannot be on campus before 7:55 AM or after 2:45 PM without parent supervision.

It is the responsibility of the parents or guardians to notify the school every time a student is absent.

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