Falcon Facts April 18

April 18
April 18, 2024

Together we SOAR higher!

Thank You Volunteers graphic

Thank You Volunteers:  Our entire school community appreciates the many volunteers that provide support to our classrooms, students, and special events. Your time, energy and expertise continues to further our efforts to provide high quality education and special events to the students of Bahrain School.

Principal's Message

Dr. Penelope A. Miller-Smith  Ed.D., DoDEA employees official photo.

Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Community Members:

BES New FB Page: BES just started their own K-5 FB Page. Like and Follow our DoDEA Bahrain Elementary School Facebook page

School Closure This Week:  Thank you for your understanding and patience while we addressed the heavy rains from earlier this week. We will be working with our MofMC committee to reschedule our student events.  We will also be adjusting our assessment calendar for our summative testing for our 3-5th grades. More information will be provided shortly on both of these topics. 

Month of the Military Child: The US Department of Defense has an outstanding website highlighting the month of the military child. There are some wonderful stories, videos and message. Check out this story about the origin of the term “military brat”.

Earth Day graphic


Earth Day: Did you know the first Earth Day was in 1970. Test your knowledge on environmental issues and sustainable solutions by taking one or more informative quizzes, and don’t forget to explore the comprehensive toolkits and fact sheets for further resources and insights on the best ways to proactively protect our shared home at: EarthDay.org Finally, here is a great video for kids about earth day

Parent Teacher Association Updates

The PTA is looking for 2024-2025 Board Members as well as committee members for Teacher Appreciation, End of the Year Bash, 2024 Welcome Back, MHS Sports and much more! It's never too late to join the PTA and be a part of all the exciting things happening! 

Contact us for more information! Email: TheBahrainSchoolPTA@gmail.com or the Bahrain School PTA Facebook page

Information Center Updates

Book Fair POSTPONED graphic

Spring Book Fair: POSPONED due to weather. For more information and links to the library catalog please see the Library Services page

MackinVia Student Access: Check out these step by step directions to help your child log into our online student library media resources. For more information and links to our school paper library catalog please go to the Library Services page

MackinVia Student Access graphic

Featured Pages

Upcoming Events


Follow us on Social Media

Name Position Details Phone
Dana Knight School Counselor 973-1771-9829 ext 4
Danielle Harris Registrar K - 5 973 1771 9829
Kelsey Lambert School Liaison 973-1785-6719
School Advisory Committee School Advisory Council

School Hours

School Day 08:05  - 14:35  (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) 08:05  - 13:35  (Wednesday)
Administration Office 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Sunday - Thursday)  

Elementary students cannot be on campus before 7:55 AM or after 2:45 PM without parent supervision.

It is the responsibility of the parents or guardians to notify the school every time a student is absent.

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